The brown nosing from the enthusiastic pure personality hosts and the guests are surreal. I mean, I know in todays world celebrities are pedestaled and are look at above everyone else, doctors, lawyers, etc., but it’s insane how Jerry, Michael, and Jason are the nicest, most amazing, funniest., greatest men ever, 3 way tie, and Julia is the sweetest, funniest, most amazing woman ever, via every guest star. The Frogger is one of the funniest episodes ever. The podcast seems like a popularity contest in regards to who have the most credits, who has the most friends in Hollywood and how close of friends whoever is with whoever they’re talking about even if they only met for 2 hours. The reason I give this podcast 4 stars is because of the guests they do get and the 15 solid minutes you get in every interview actually hearing about the Seinfeld set, audition, script, etc. basically put what the podcast is supposed to be about. And 1/4 interviews are really good. Don’t listen to the hosts, seasons 7-9 were hilarious and had some of the funniest episodes ever. The Merv Griffin Show was possibly the funniest episode of Seinfeld EVER!! Lol. Anyhow, for anyone actually reading my review, this is what you get with this podcast. And you’ll get a 5 min rundown of how great of a Physical comedian Kramer is and how he practiced going through a door for 23 hours a day. That’s why nobody else could player Kramer. Also, Seinfeld seems like a bit of a creep but nobody seems to care because he’s got power!! Lol. Anyhow, greatest show ever and of course I love Jerry and crew!! I’m just a realist and not a bootlicker.
Feb. 12, 2023 by LV Aoki Shinya on Apple Podcasts
This Podcast is Making Me Thirsty (The Seinfeld Podcast)